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On August 10, 2014

You are so gifted, graduated to manage the life,
you have a big hearth and the secret power
to sanitize a lots of dirty stuff.
I numb in delight when you feed the others
but then, again, here comes the heartbreak.

I'm slowly evolving,dissolving that ulcer,
but my degree of the pain is so high,
maybe I should shot my hearth instead.
I'm a sparkling little cookie and unlike you
I have very long, long moments to kill.

Hold onto your dancing slippers!
- today I'm jumping out of the cake again,
Honey, this is your heartburn speaking
hey now sweety, I give no cuckoo fuck.

Can you let go this rain forecast for a day,
and stop giving a luck charm half price away.
Honey, Wanna swap? Body snatch?
Your stiff for this ultimate ride?