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On October 29, 2013

I took a look and saw beyond the skin,
got in the cellar and took a spot in an attic.
This planet is spinning without half of an orb,
it was made absent, undone a long time ago.
Its core was choked with the shame,
nothing here to grow but a lots of blame.
It was never made a heaven of the belief,
It was never been cut open to bleed.
Without a fire numbers kept coming
and space worn it out with the time,
with the busted face and the high shoes
I felt so in love with the plenty of you.
Maples and apples, which wrong is right,
a murderer who seeks that perfect one?
Don't talk to me like I'm stupid,
Don't talk to me like I'm a kid.
Narrow, shallow and squared,
you can sell me for a nickel,
you could sell me for the game.
Magic and reality, a promise and the lie,
now what shall win and why?
Don't put those things in my head,
don't tell me stuff like I've no brain.
Narrow, shallow and squared,
I will sell you for no dime,
I can sell you today.