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She Walks With The Dead

Its nobody there, you're talking to a dead,
that's why, why she walks your dreams.
There with them, in a nightmare walk,
the old times wait to swallow you.
No-no, it's nobody there.

You think all day about her,
At your post, but you should know,
She was rising the heads for a reason,
It's nobody there, you are talking to a dead.

She's not coming back,
Now and forever walks with the dead,
You wished so bad, imagined all in your head
but she is gone and you should let her away.
No-no, it's nobody there.


Here, it has come,
And I've planned it never will;
The devil came and I've bet
That he'll stay still.
Here, I do hope that
she won't be too young;
So I can walk away,
Tonight don't let 'er to paint you black.

Love'n'all are done
In your hearth
There's none to remind  'er
When I'm gone.

Someone pours the blind wine
Into your bright eyes,
I wish to know who, to visit 'er.
Someone paints the black night
Onto your fair arms,
God should pay her, for taking away my gold.

Tonight don't let 'er to paint you black,
So I can walk away,
So I can think that I'm the One.

Your Love Should be Expensive

Now, open your eyes.
Pass that corridor alone.
This time your dreams were empty,
my place there was cold. Now, the pain is the past.

From the start again
Your river may flow to play silence,
To open up for the new miracles. Without a grain of the doubt
You should ask for the one who is true.

This is what becomes
From the expensive goods,
So don't let yourself down
Even if our love is gone.


I died, have you woke me up?
I fell, have you picked me up?
Aw, sweet little thing of my...

Haven't you ever
Turned down all my huge fires?
Haven't you ever
Sunk down all my deep desires?

I love you, but right after the another.
Your soul is a sorrow of the desert,
After that, this love is a pity,
An old raven that howls into the night;
You'll stay well, as you should,
But what would I do?

Wonder Woman

I put your jibe turkey on an ice,
because it got fried a little too much.
I got you a little bit drunk
but your tiger got plastered too.
And I waited that bitch to cover for you...
Now-now, if that bird had any effect at all
you would have a game to fly at me,
so talk-walk around, whatever.
In the case that you don't know,
Your kitty's roar is nothing to show.
I praise a glamorous Lord's day when
you misplaced the make up and the face lift,
when your power bombs dropped
in the city hall's terrarium.
All the lizards turned in the pillars of the salt...
It  didn't make you look any smarter,
don't get coy.
It would be better if you bought a hamster,
or hire a movie and stayed at home.
I praise the day of the Epiphany
when you finally walked out
with a skunk on the head and a loose tail;
your boss screamed in the terror
now-now, if that bird had any effect at all...
Aren't we smart today, 
what else you know to say?
Where did you learn a sign language?
Are we up to the high expectations,
your Majesty is lil slow this Tuesday?
Leave the turkey waiting,  I'll microwave.
Gotta go to chase some dog.
Signed by Stevie

Maples and Apples

I took a look and saw beyond the skin,
got in the cellar and took a spot in an attic.
This planet is spinning without half of an orb,
it was made absent, undone a long time ago.
Its core was choked with the shame,
nothing here to grow but a lots of blame.
It was never made a heaven of the belief,
It was never been cut open to bleed.
Without a fire numbers kept coming
and space worn it out with the time,
with the busted face and the high shoes
I felt so in love with the plenty of you.
Maples and apples, which wrong is right,
a murderer who seeks that perfect one?
Don't talk to me like I'm stupid,
Don't talk to me like I'm a kid.
Narrow, shallow and squared,
you can sell me for a nickel,
you could sell me for the game.
Magic and reality, a promise and the lie,
now what shall win and why?
Don't put those things in my head,
don't tell me stuff like I've no brain.
Narrow, shallow and squared,
I will sell you for no dime,
I can sell you today.


I'm impressed with the sun that shines,
moon that rises, dawn that brakes
and a lonely sail that drifts away...
All the grand vigorous things
that fear you and may kill you, if you dare,
yes, in the real world nothing is safe!

I don't care what you had,
boss it somewhere else,
bring me what matters, if you care,
suck it up and leave me amazed.

You want a peace at home,
a pace at the work?
You want it where it is safe?
Don't make it up, you can't be like that.
You are, or you are nothing,
and nothing is safe,
yes, I'm so impressed!


Today the thundering skies
are closing the clouds upon me
for nothing I've done.
Today the unruly forces
are evincing the fire about my hopes
and plans for no reason.

I'm a pale blue image of myself,
I'm not good to go!
I'm not the God to hold the World together
and to fight this all. I'm alone!
I'm a thin shadow...

Today I had a car crash with my life goal,
and it's boss.
A boss's wife, a secretary, a manager....
and nobody does a d-thing
to save us from the upcoming storm.
To save me...

And I tick ~away~, tickin'it-tick
into the screaming failure of my foul,
And I slip ~away~ chickin'it-chick
besides the creeping creatures I behold.


You can boil my blood with the mind,
but it can't bring me down,
no, I enjoy the ice just as well you do
so brush away those splinters,
I know, they were the tears before.

When I switch where the bluey is,
Switch into my airy sky,
I leave the colors of the earth
and all the stale drolls of the dearth behind.
I become sheer and cold, a raw Arctic soul,
a current left without a strive,
and I can recognise frost in their hearths
and the timid contempt for the azured kite;
they are both
dead like an iced crisp of the night.

If I don't get numb here in the flight,
I may even care to grab you up,
but, I enjoy a flee light and playful alone
so make me a mark with your eyes,
I'll see it,  and that will be a thing to adore.


Crack my hearth,
beat it up to the art.
I'm not strong, I don't roar
to get people attention and fame.
Still, don't make a mistake,
I've make even in the start,
you can't have my love anyway.

Crack my hearth
right up to the art.
I'm not cold, don't have any gold
To pay you dancing for me.
But I've make even in the start,
taking my words back,
you can't have the sunset in the end.

You only can crack over my code,
It's a sort of a fire that rebels can't comprehend,
~ you can't have my love anyway
~ you can't have the sunset in the end
It fuels all my engines, look them burn those horse powers
I do-do-do-don't want it more than you.

You can only crack one of my many secrets,
Hella-yeah, let me introduce my dragon.
~ you can't have my love anyway
~ you can't have the sunset in the end
You're a liquid flame, look that drama addicted sunny head,
No-no-no-nobody wants it more than you,
to crack my hearth and drive my ride.

Love is heaven

I've never had this feeling,
it is wonderful,
it must be something special.
I can't hold it or stop it.
I daydream in my walk.
I get it wherever I go,
and when I see you, I wonder,
is it you? Love is heaven...

I never played chairs and decks,
make all the pecks,
it must be a perfect chemistry.
I can't hold it or stop it.
I daydream in my walk,
on this rocky rookie road,
and when I see you, I wonder,
is it you? Love is heaven...


Aw, you, divine, ideal, beautiful...
Your being's so bright.
You are not able to see
All the clouded judgements
And you call it a confusion.
Let me tell you about my destiny.
The same energy blindly led me over
The thousands of the false Grails without remorse
To clear what fires, to shed the tears
Over the dead dogs and rotten corpses.

Angel, I'm so sankt,
You wouldn't believe it.
I don't need your love,
Don't need all these things,
To desire a horrid, indulge in the dreams
And then to fear to think about it.
I may mourn in the morning
And cry laud between hell and heavens
But until then
I don't care if I don't have to.

Light,  be more of this dark, please,
Make it shine
Before all becomes the mist... the dust...
I know you are right and I am wrong.
I have been this for too much long.
I went too far but don't forget,
I'm the one who is sankt,
It's my blood that walks that path.

Try More

Go to the bed with the faith
every night ,
pull off the face of the pain,
drift far on the other side
and try more, save what's lost.

Find a way to heal your hearth
every day,
try to tear apart that longing time,
drift far on the other side
and try more, save what's lost.

When your hearth is tired
and all comes down to nothing,
can you live it up, can you make it
one more day
and one more night,
to go back all over, all the way?


I'm carved raw into my poison throne
And carved with a hunger
You'll die to ravish this mighty mask,
this bank of the dreams
that can feed your both sides.

I roam how would I take the break up
if I could only set you free and  give it up, give up.

All that greed, rage, passion and ignorance,
a raw perversion, gladly
I would take it all, a one way with me,
forever to live in this perfect sin.

Ivory Case

You have to do a lots of stuff at home
and do part time for the losers who don't pay.
I work my rack and sell crap to keep us afloat
to buy good things and spend weekends together.
Our best friend is a big ass with the fat income,
A spendthrift, drunk, disgusting, cheep liar!
and we don't have a relationship issue, darling,
You just felt a bit down for a frisky roam party.

You made me a twat with a mental disorder,
put me cold for a long time in the hospital.
I've done a few rounds of the brain zapps
in that fairy white place far-far away.
But I will let it all go, for the last blast,
in general, you are a decent human being,
too bad that the Lord has no record of it
and the faith signed us for the Saturday inn.

Aw, Ivory, just dance for me,
don't make a case of this.
Aw, Ivory, hang in and hope for it;
Is it fun yet? -our altar of love?

Between two dogs,
just chose the one that wins.
Recharge two blades
and take the one that kills.

By Force

For all the insults I gave you my smiles,
stood death blown in your sunshade,
when you hated me with passion
that the iron spiders plotted in your hollow chest
I was silent;
and now I can't let you in,
I paid enough of your sin.

For all the mishaps I had a hearth for you,
stood death blown in your sunshade,
when you compelled my affection
to forgive you all the dark light of a candle
I was silent;
and now I return the pain,
and all the love I gave.

Easy pretty, it's getting worse,
you can't cut me open.
You can't do me by force.
Before I immerse in you,
and feel that unspoken devotion,
before I disperse, in flame,
my hearth will be hopeless { for you};
but my pride is beaten by the pain,
so I will sicken you, and get well.

Easy, my pretty,
In the thousand years, with force,
I can't be broken.
I'm not your wooden horse.
It's your fashion to belt me around your left leg,
it's your style to welt me over and over again;
but my pride is beaten by the pain,
so I will sicken you, and get well.

{So pretty, go to hell, and get well}

Fuchsia Grenadine

I used to know this girl Corie,
she was heading for a caramel part
right early in the morning.

She was wearing that sweet, floral lay
and played with the confetti
for the entire day.

Her daddy in a jeep used to drive
her around the town a buckshot behind,
swaying his big, dainty head.

When she was getting out for bye
the door were slammed hard,
he was mighty mad.

We bumped on a bay where she came
with nothing less but a teacup yorkie,
dressed coated, what a shame.

He was legging up bad for her to frat,
I had to mind the rat but didn't mention,
daddy's girl was about to top the attention.

- Hop, baby pup,
pommy never gonna stop.
- Lap, little mop,
Corie wanna make him drop.
- Yup, ten hut!
Her daddy's gonna snap.
- Hush! Big mush!
He's gonna look so blush.

Golden Shield


You took your golden shield
so proud you were flashing it high,
but the words that you can't say
are publicly available now
but not adaptable by you,
I'm so grateful.
Good for you to join the rest
in the clobber's row.

You gave your dog a name
and took it to visit a fairground,
but a thing that you can't get
is all in the open now,
still not adaptable by you,
I'm so grateful.
Sounds like a perfect play,
the rest may keep your toy.

You can't wait to make it up all again,
try to walk my way;
hearth like the led, face like the marble,
it makes a perfect game.

You can't hold to show it around again,
and to speak my pain;
the feet to crush, the hands to hang me,
it's a perfect fucking game.


I was yelling into the bottle of lies
until it boiled and blew apart;
the fireworks felt so divine.
I had made a good plan,
yeah! -The deal of a lifetime,
to make you feel dead alive;
you only felt a little kick, so smile.
And see where it took me,
in a desert Gobbi - I'm waiting for the rain;
with a face in the red dust
and the iron in my lungs.
You're much better looking
with your mouth shut, so snap!
Look! I'm in the front row
two steps ahead of your plow,
you don't need to see me,
so yank out of that gaze!
I love your looks and a tie,
job's well done baby, so snap!

Picture in the future


I saw this picture in the future,
tortured on a floor,
it kills me and haunts me.
Whatever we had,
from a start to the end,
is paying a full price
to the evil gang.

I saw this picture of our future
is impossible to pull off,
it kills me and haunts me.
Whatever we had,
from a start to the end,
is paying the last tribute
to our love.

I don't want to see you aching,
don't want to hold you dying,
don't like myself at all,
and hate you because you earn it
to call me your own.

"see you - hold you - like you - I hate you!"

Christmas Sun

Christmas brings up the worst in me,
I bury in, in the deepest ocean.
No one can lift me up.
The Sun shines up the best on you,
you're above all, made all of the gold.
No one can climb so high up.

The-Whole-Is-All about you, about the love, (so fun!);
All that is so moving, (one big tide, wooo...!),
but it leaves me empty and alone.

I don't pretend that you can measure  my need or see my pain.
I don't get sad or cry like the others that you may know.
I just keep trying, crawling in the mud.
I just keep on trying, and it's for nothing.



No, there are no hidden messages
or the secret meanings,
they will fit our images
into the pretty static frames.

Yeah, it is so sad what they heard
this world is not revolving around you.
It is all about that girl.


An army of sad please stand up,
all you with the epic chances,
try to swing real hard,
win over an oracle of love.

Now, when I get you
I can't blame you anymore.
Sadly, even if I fit the bill
we don't meet the expectations.

You are so versatile and smart
and I'm vivid but shapeless
and cold-cold-cold!
I'm one little stupid blonde.

There are no gossips and secrets,
They will fit us into static frames.

Yeah, it is so sad what they heard,
this world is not revolving around you.
Epic Ouuu!


Three years you're salting my feet
while I've been smoldering,
like a volcano in a fury.
You've been waiting
for me on a bed of a lie,
while I was hating.

Now! you can fix all my emotions,
with a recollection of a past
that you don't remember.

Now! you can glue all my pieces together
with something that only you can define,
and call it a love.

I'm pissed beyond believable
because I didn't pay attention
what you said;
and you were always hundred days behind,
so tired to fight me.

I'm pissed beyond believable
because you didn't pay attention
how I felt;
and I was always hundred miles from the ground,
so high to mind
if I give a hearth for free.


You watered my dreams with all the love you got.
You were feeding my moon in the shimmering light,
and I'm not even worth of a fickle mention,
worth of a raw swear, a damn description.

I steel your silver and gold
and love your pets even more
than you. Wow!
My head is so full of shhhhh...
even your demons are
telling you to leave me alone.

I wanna mango bango your fin
you're my favorite handy thing
like a battery I'm wired on you
piercing your steel hearth
and pouring dark into your body.

My head is so full of shhhhh...
even your demons are
telling you to leave me alone.

Aw, janice, no,
I ain't that jealous (and demanding).
I do need you, please,
but I'm not, not so much into you.
No, sweetie, I ain't jealous
(and blind by passion),
I want you so much
but I've just killed us.

You can love me more, Janice
if you please don't call me, honey,
I'm not so needy,
so go and kill that bunny,
because I will always play it right- play it all back.

I steel your silver and gold
and love your pets even more
My head is so full of shhhh...
even your demons are
telling you to leave me alone,
I wanna mango bango your fin
you're my favorite handy thing
like a battery I'm wired on you
so better hang my line too,
and play it right
play it all back
com'on-bash me-hang me-totally enhanced

If you could believe in me, (my Merry Andrew)

All the wrong decisions that I've made

my world made fallen.
I can't even cry
my tears are better dry.
All the wrong doings that I've made
thought me nothing at the end.
If I could find a way to control
just for a change...

I feel so ugly today
like I'm driving in an apposite way.
I am doing all wrong,
and have no idea what
I am doing so wrong.
I got led on like a teen chump;
so embarrassed and ashamed,
I feel so ugly today.

But if you could believe in me
and try not to let me down,
If you could believe in this
you would bring me a better day

Pay The Price

everybody pays the price
so I do
and if it's for you
I'll pay it gladly

I never ask anything
from life
just to let me last
one more day

and if my days came to the end
i guess I have to accept it
with no sorrow

and love you till my last
because this, what I am,
is only borrowed

yes, everybody pays the price
the only thing
I resent to the sky is
that I can't love you
before I die

When rising blocks the sun

How to choose the point of the end
When every balance shall die?
Should I worry
What I am leaving behind?

All that dark will become a part of me;
All the agony,
Fears and pain
- I will let them win.

The impossible point of the dawn, in dusk,
When the rising blocks the Sun;
It will be the eclipse to shadow
All my mistakes,
And the countdown
From now until forever.

Is there a better time to die
But when your king holds your hand 
The adversity tries to blind my truth?


You are the one who opens a huge dam
So that my feelings don’t drown me.
But the lake is filling and you are not giving 
It anymore, I will fall in my own dark obsession.
     If I need to I will let out all the water
     In and above, and I will die
     Just to feel him again without you
I don’t cry tears but ice,
No wind and no cold can freeze me to the bone.
All my fire I keep inside
To keep burning, and if it's meant to, 
I’ll allow it to destroy me to the dust.

You can't win my nature 
Because it even wins me.
So close all your gates, I will still feel
What you are taking away from me
     If I need to  I will let out all the water
     In and above, and I will die
     Just to feel him again without you
I don’t cry tears but ice
No wind and no cold can freeze me to the bone.
All my fire I keep inside
So if you want to, give me yourself
To skirmish all the flesh from your soul.


I want you to stay in-between
But you don’t want that role
In the midst of me and him
 To be the waste weir of my core

Your love and attention numbs
Like detention to
All I ward in my hearth
And when fire stops burning
Frozen feelings harvest my empty soul

But in pain I feel everything
I need
And I can live it up to that feeling
Even if he never hears me, yes
I rather live in lie
Drive a dragon and fly

You were the best conduit
Fast lane tube
       Don't want to know the driver
       Don't want to see the machine
Just want to feel that moment
When it takes off

Sultan of Ruth

You fit me almost
Just by the tone, (I'll forget it)
And I’ll play deaf
So no voice may touch me.

Keep words in the ice
The frozen dwarfs, (I'll object it)
And I'll play mute
So you can't hear me.

Leave it for the end
When I'm not around, (I'll defend it)
And I'll play blind
So no pain may move me.
What rites your temper that I should solve,
What else is left in your cave,
That serves you swell
Almost good as a grave?

to tx

Shepard ess

What is the shield, who is to blame?

His was a face you shun, an intense sun 
in the dark of water that burnt you to flame.
I was not the eery catch put on a gage,
But your's blunt match that sired you slain.

I tend to lead a herd and lustre all fun;
They were my world, I'll gave them my love.
But I hint my life and bed a midnight sun;
That was my cite, I would gave it my heart.

So cold was the ground when I gave you in, my kill,
Within the fell man replaced all of the spring.
All relish was ruled to be rough and cruel,
and kept one unseen who cut you down fool.

In the wake is it love, what's in that hearth drowned
in rage, that clings forever to the darkness and pain?
But dare to see him, that oblique desire who survived,
and notice the shepherdess erst obscured inside.

Sliver Grey

It’s a winter season
and something is missing.
Simple offset, I would say.
Cold winds are slowly raging,
Freezing diffused minds with reason
And turning air in sliver grey.

Send me a card when you get there.

That blue-violet place where I stand.
Kiss that fresh wind for me.
Insensate heavens misunderstand
This magical love affair
And the infatuation that you feel.

You rise your trust to the stars,

Option you have
Shoot your dreams up to the skies.
Now even ice runs up the hill,
Feelings you can't stop
And the hearth that can't be still.

Let the Sun burn everything

I think it's not okay
Waiting for this the whole day
I should keep that feeling
Boy - You're set so far aside
I scream and hear only silence
Having only you on my mind
In that moment love me
Whisper in my ear that you need me
Lie - You're gonna clamp my shell
Just - Gimme your tinker's damn

I'll make a good thing for you
Just - Let me of my chain {Restrain me}
I'll make a Moon sing your blue
Just - Love me to the pain {Constrain me}

They will catch you
I betcha - They'll get you filthy
Your mom'll be so happy
Don't even try to hide
Take a blow and stay proud
{Let the Sun burn everything}

And when they find you
I won't be the one to blame
Aw, no, I won't have any shame
I'll make the Sun burn everything
Yes, for you , I'll do a good thing
{Just - Let the Sun burn everything}

Souls in Twain

I need that flame shot every time
to lift me up and make me feel fine

if I continue to play like that
I'm gonna break without breaking a sweat

far-out confusing me and that jewel
I'm only a half what y'all hope it's full

our time line is like a hieing train
two of a kind, the souls in twain

while pushes me in - to open the waves
it creates such a mess to an eye that craves

and there is a price of the red kind
that needs the twister to survive my mind

how do you like my friend
a rose which burns topped on my flack

I made it to fall into the armour blend
taking thee hearth to never return it back

You Want Love

There’s fine limit between you and me,
you desperately want to feel something
and I don’t want to feel anything.
I so much want to be a void
and you want to fill that void
with me.
Can’t you find a better way
while producing me
to not produce one more of self?

It won’t kill me if you make me blue:
the biggest stars shine blue,
the hottest flame appears like one too,
but can't you see that
you only feed my obsession
and there’s a difference between
love and the passion.
One thing is to love another
and other making up together
until make it a suicidal.

I can’t linger for all times
between fury fire and absolute ice.
I can’t take a fine balance over
or take a charge now or ever.
I said once that you should steer
my ship,
but honey, I realize you might not fit it.

It’s only for fun so you even aim
lame and not for me, love
is the same danger as the loaded gun.
You drain poison down my veins
playing games
and you'll be always contend
Just being the best support,
my darling swart
perfect-perfect friend.


I looked in the mirror and trough it;
the devil pulls the nails trough my hear,
and I saw the hell under her lips
so near to my neck.

I know that I should play,
but that horny thing dances on me.
I try to set the dinner,
but that filth rides him on my plate.

He tells me "I love you",
and it sucks as well how it sounds.
It pokes my virtue with the diamond stick.
So, I fit my leather and take the fiddle, 
grab his lover and set him a show.

He looked in the mirror and trough it;
the devil tails his waist and dances tight,
and under her knee he minds to get drunk or not
while devil takes another smoke.

With a little devil in the middle,
we are giving each other a hell,
setting the same table,
looking for a way to prevail.

And the other lovers come
with the pictures of flaming hearths.
Devil scents them with the caramel eyes.
So, she drags them to bowl a soup 
of the love that falls in an envy so deviously fine.

Trouble and Strife

I tried to say this for days
but those words never departed.
They never put the foot
on your doorstep.

So, should I accept the challenge,
endure pocket-size excess
and follow my inherent aptitude?

From one side it's a jabbing end
apart from the decency,
and from another
bible-poking Job
putting out only a fail.

Can you cash me out
to meet the requirements for the hell?
You wouldn't need to thank me
and you'll be very welcomed.

If you're still in doubt,
I'm your succinic perplex
that emboldens your mind
and gives you a long-long night
in the crooked way.

It's my true color of the poltroon
who rather trash all aspects
of the tenderness
and has the nerve to eat up
more than deserves.

At the fairy end, here comes the trouble
and strife:
the little mess I would put you at
wouldn't harm your health.


Can't you hear me
when I'm calling
you never ever look at me
when we are alone
you dwell away
and look at her

I wish to know
where you mind roams
and in the same time
I'm sorry to see you like this
to suffer like a wound
but so close to me

You're conger like
when it comes to spring currents
and stalagmites
in dark caves
but I know your eyes
they never lie

You dream about
somebody else's anemone
you fake all words and sighs
and urges
and just play
yourself to fool
but never letting go the play.

Head Of Synod

you shall gave me in
that immense blueish yonder
and feel so noble
to shoot out
another sparrow?

... the one who will ponder
and drear
and have shafts
lose all ebbs and tides?

- Wouldn't it be a greater deduction
if I only plague and wonder
to your dread
to make a modern haircut
to the synod head?

After all I'll follow the light

I love you
you said
you see
I know it's an act
but I don't care

I have no regrets
if everything was a lie
I see it now
and just go with the tide

If you are stoned
standing there all alone
you won't cross my mind
because I have  to
follow the light

69 dragons

Control what you can, do what you need
But never doubt how do I feel.

I couldn't ignore
When you sent for me
Too many times,
So I came,
But all ill will praise against
Where should I dwell in your eyes.

I don't want to make
Your 69 dragons
So obvious and kind of plain
-you beautiful mind;
If you look in the mirror
Of that what is a king of sorrow
You'll see I died for you.

As galling was too harsh
I swear,
I'll never adore and look up to
The one who offended you.
In my final now
I look the other way
Because you have to be
The one who is saved.

Track The Changes

I wear my mask of tamed anger
but you know it's fake, right?
You wear the shield of controlled power
holding your breath to spare remarks

The proper acquit is all we left to stay
that cultivated fire that apparently suits the rule
I wish you could track my changes
and silent this pain away

Yo, friend, would you save my mind
I'm too old to wonder blind
Yo, friend, we both know what follows
I'm so close to leave the frame.

You just can't take any chances
no you can't allow the rage
even when feeling takes you
you well chose to say the lie.

mood setter: play!

You May Keep YourSelf

I've been flogged a million times
and resold like a book,
a loanword duff from the shelf
and made into retail dream,
so step me down
anyway you need.

You love me just for saying
and say it like you mean it.
What a thespian you are
no wonder I believe in every lie.

I've been your elated fiddling storm,
the preposterous frenzy
to whom you played a vile cod
playing me so bally cold.

It's moth-eaten to say
how much I miss you,
but you have no time
and I can't reach you.
I'm afraid you may die
-aye!-hail Mary to your sweet destiny

So, you may keep yourself.
Yes, you may continue to be
- you do good what you are.

No fear, you may keep yourself
because I'll love you all the same
and we'll do fine no matter how far.

The hundred times to say I'm sorry

You find me an eye to an eye

And got me to flame my mind
So lead me now into my element
Flood fire in ocean of cold water

I love you, that's the first,
All other I just adjust
To walk that alley like pile of stone
I had to change the game of love long ago

I love you, that's the first,
All other I just adjust
And make illusions dance in my arms
To be the perfect match for the stars

The hundred times to say I'm sorry
I know is not enough
I know you hate my demons
But I'm completely in love with yours

The hundred times to say I'm sorry
Has no point at all
No poison, no cure can make a clue
Because half of me is patched with you
And another craves your star sky
To be my doom